Here's my simple version of Diy Rc Body Roof RackI will be recycling some of my rc stuff for this projectThings you need: lexan plastic tree parts screws double sided tape screw driver xacto knife scissorsblack markerJoin us at RcDriftRevolution.comPreview of my Diy Rc Body Roof Rack 
You need a piece lexan from your rc body
cut outs to make the legs

Tamiya plastic tree parts for the bar

You need to trace 4 of this roof rack legs

Mark the rc body where you want the roof rack legs
then cut a small line for the legs, you can use a dremel
to make cuttings easier

Insert the legs to test the height you want

Bend all the lexan into an L shape when you get the
right height and paint them with a black marker
also drill a hole for the mounting screw

Insert all the legs into the body and secure
them with double sided tape

For the bar you need to cut it from the plastic tree
make 2 of this

then screw them to the legs

I hope you enjoy this simple Diy rc roof rack project

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RcDriftRevolution.comWhen your done share us your version at
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